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Living In Christ

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Monday 9:00 am 9:30 am
Tuesday 9:00 am 9:30 am
Wednesday 9:00 am 9:30 am
Thursday 9:00 am 9:30 am
Friday 9:00 am 9:30 am

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Living in Christ Radio features the Bible teaching of Pastor Bob Hoekstra. Pastor Bob’s teaching typically expounds upon major biblical themes such as Contending for the Faith, Counseling God’s Way, Family God’s Way, and Growing in the Grace of God as well as verse by verse study through various books of the Bible in their entirety. These studies are broadcast for the purposes of evangelism and edification through the proclamation of Jesus Christ with warning and teaching from God’s word. Living in Christ is broadcast nationally in the United States and is also availalble worldwide via internet radio.

The purpose of LICM could be stated most concisely as a ministry of “Proclaiming Christ to Christians.” In order to grow in maturity and wholeness and fruitfulness and Christlikeness, we must be feeding on the truth from God’s word about the Lord Jesus Christ, who lives in us as our hope of glory. Another way to express our purpose is that we are involved in pointing God’s people to the Lord and His word.

This is done primarily through Bible study seminars including: Counseling God’s Way, Growing in the Grace of God, The Church: How Jesus Builds It, Promise Believers, Contending for the Faith, and related themes. Our messages also go out through Church Services, Pastors’ Conferences, Retreats, Bible Colleges, Schools of Ministry, overseas ministry trips, through audio and video studies and through this website. Additional teaching themes commonly deal with The Sufficiency of Christ and His Word, The Psychologizing of the Faith, The Ability of God’s Word, and Knowing God. A compact paperback entitled Psychologizing the Faith has been published by The Word For Today. Another book entitled How to Counsel God’s Way has recently been reprinted and made available in English and German. Other unpublished books and writing projects from Pastor Bob will be following soon as the Lord allows.

For more information about the ministry, or to listen to past teachings, visit

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