Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron of Living Waters Ministry teach Christians how to share their faith effectively and inoffensively. Learn how to speak with your unsaved family and friends, and then see Kirk and Ray go onto the streets and demonstrate how to do it.
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ATP Ministries, headed by Victor Marx, is an international organization outreaching to broken youth and families in nations across the globe.
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Homecoming Radio is brought to you by Bill and Gloria Gaither and Spring House Productions, Inc. Bill and Gloria have filled stages all around the world with the "best of the best" Southern Gospel artists to entertain, encourage and bless their audiences. Now you can hear all that great music on your radio. This October starts the 9th season of Homecoming Radio, an 30 minute long radio program filled with the antics of Bill Gaither, Kevin Williams, Tori Taff (the better half of Russ Taff) and Phil Brower, plus a group of regular guests including Buddy Green, Gordon Mote, Gerald Wolf, Jason Crabb, Russ Taff, Joe Bonsall, Larry Gatlin, and you never know who may wander into the studio to visit. You're friends at Homecoming Radio bring you soul touching music and heart changing lyrics, and sincerely pray that Homecoming Radio gives you what you are looking for. We appreciate each of our listeners. Pass the Good News along... tell your family and friends about us.
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An audio Bible reading plan taking you through the entire Bible in 90 days.
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The Word For Today is an outreach of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Our desire is to see the body of Christ grow in their knowledge of God through the study of His Word. We are committed to bringing you the solid and consistent teaching of the whole Bible taught by Pastor Chuck Smith. The program can be heard in over 350 cities world-wide, and airs more than 300 times daily. You may call us toll-free at 1-800-272-WORD or write to The Word For Today at P.O. Box 8000, Costa Mesa, CA 92628. Please call anytime. There are operators available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday, and an automated attendant 24 hours every day.
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The verse by verse teaching ministry of Pastor Clark Van Wick, from Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship in Temecula, California.
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Living in Christ Radio features the Bible teaching of Pastor Bob Hoekstra. Pastor Bob’s teaching typically expounds upon major biblical themes such as Contending for the Faith, Counseling God’s Way, Family God’s Way, and Growing in the Grace of God as well as verse by verse study through various books of the Bible in their entirety. These studies are broadcast for the purposes of evangelism and edification through the proclamation of Jesus Christ with warning and teaching from God’s word. Living in Christ is broadcast nationally in the United States and is also availalble worldwide via internet radio.
Learn more9:30amWednesday
The Searchlight Radio Programs features Pastor Jon Courson's Thru-the-Bible teachings. Because the original full length teachings are longer than the 30 minute radio show, the teachings are usually aired over two or three days.
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Grace for Today for Women is a radio broadcast of Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship in Temecula, CA, with Sally Van Wick, studying verse by verse through the Bible.
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The Radical word is the chapter by chapter, verse by verse teaching ministry of Pastor Rick Lancaster, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel French Valley.
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An audio Bible reading plan taking you through the entire Bible in 90 days.
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Revival Radio is an outreach of Revival Christian Fellowship in Murrieta, California., featuring the teaching of Pastor John Miller.
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The Word For Today is an outreach of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Our desire is to see the body of Christ grow in their knowledge of God through the study of His Word. We are committed to bringing you the solid and consistent teaching of the whole Bible taught by Pastor Chuck Smith. The program can be heard in over 350 cities world-wide, and airs more than 300 times daily. You may call us toll-free at 1-800-272-WORD or write to The Word For Today at P.O. Box 8000, Costa Mesa, CA 92628. Please call anytime. There are operators available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday, and an automated attendant 24 hours every day.
Learn more2:30pmWednesday
Growing Thru Grace is the radio outreach ministry of Morningstar Christian Chapel, Whittier, California featuring the Bible teaching ministry of Pastor Jack Abeelen, Senior Pastor. Morningstar began in April of 1985 as a Calvary Chapel outreach fellowship. Presently, it is church home to almost 3,000 folks.
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The True Vine is the radio ministry of Calvary Chapel Temecula, with Pastor Joe Holden.
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Hope for Today is the Bible teaching ministry of David Hocking. "The Word of our God shall stand forever." Isaiah 40:8
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The verse by verse teaching ministry of Pastor Clark Van Wick, from Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship in Temecula, California.
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Simply Truth is the radio ministry of Reliance Church in Temecula, California, featuring the Bible teaching of Pastor Ted Leavenworth.
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Join us live, as we air the services of Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship.
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Created for children ages 8-12 (but loved by listeners of all ages), Adventures in Odyssey is a 30-minute drama produced by Focus on the Family that combines the faith lessons parents appreciate with characters and stories that kids love.
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66/40 is the Daily Radio program for Koinonia House and Koinonia Institute. It is our desire that you study the word of God and in return, you will have a deeper understanding of who God is and what HIS plan is for your life.
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